

After hard work by Laurens Ouwerkerk and myself, the initial stages of the update of the Aviation Photos International website were completed end February 2024.

A lot of work still needs doing after the decision to upgrade the picture size to 1200x800 pix from the 675 x 450 used before. In many cases it will also mean scanning colour slides again to achieve better results from improved facilities.

Galleries may be switched and/or re-named in the process to maintain a good overview of the material that is put in place. There is a lot of it!

Major changes and/or additions will be announced on this page as and when they take place.

UPDATE 2024-06-04

A “Site Structure” tab was meanwhile added on top to explain some of the choices in allocating specific aircraft to specific categories.

Also texts now supplement some individual galleries to (better) explain their content. This will progress further.

Slide scans are continuously added. Unfortunately the quality of the resultant images not always fully matches that of the latest digital cameras available. But the pictures still are well worth including.

Several new galleries were meanwhile added but are not yet complete: “Schaffen-Diest”, “Happy at Hoogeveen”, “AMPA Lausane”, “Vroege Vogels/Early Birds” and “Hidden River Adventures”.

The “Recent Encounters” gallery has been stagnant because an unfortunate medical situation has temporarily ‘grounded’ me. And thus  my photography was put on hold for the time being. It should hopefully resolve itself soon.

Please keep watching this space and the various galleries for more!

Thank you!

Ben Ullings